Hidden Village, the heavens of your children and your childhood.

Let’s your child enjoy with the valuable memories in the Hidden Village.
Is it good for your weekend, if you are here in this place? The Hidden Village, where is your children imagine becomes real. Your young dream becomes true. As my recommendation, the Hidden Village is the good choice for family activity, and teenage gang for a never boring one-day trip in good memories. You will meet the dinosaur land, insect world, fairytales character, and little zoo zone. Moreover, the great taste of special food set is always being here at the Hidden Village. Next, I will let you know that miracle place.

What’s new in the Hidden Village?
When you here on Hidden Village, the little heaven for your child & your young imagination. You will see from outside that, it must have many things so interesting inside as same as or much more than the other amusement park which you have ever been. The Hidden Village always serve the enjoyment and excitement for all tourist from 09:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m. For the fee to take on the excitement of Hidden Village is 100 Bath covers both adult and children *(For foreigner tourist is 200 Bath covers both adult and children). In my mention, the Hidden Village fee is very cheap price for the quality amusement park in Thailand which I have ever visited. For food and drinking is not allowed to bring into the Hidden Village but, you need not to be worry because this noteworthy world is always providing many good tastes of food, drinking, and cover to the dessert for you till the end. Inside of the Hidden Village are consist of village zone, farm, kid zone, steak house, and Dinosaur village. You need not to be worry with lost. Even if this imagination heaven has the large amount of area, because The Hidden Village have provided the guide post along the walk side for tourist in both Thai and English version.

The first part of inside, you will meet the uncommon garden. This garden is around of the huge colorful sculpture such as Meercats, scorpion, lizard, many insects: my favorite is butterfly garden which around of huge colorful butterfly for tourist to take a beautiful picture, flower, tree, and the other imagination livings for example is the huge tree which have eyes and mouth like human in difference mood. After that, if you walk along the walk side you will meet the Barn Steak House, a little restaurant like in the fairytales where serve the meaning of great taste of food for your life. This restaurant is special in Thai, Europe, and fusion food. For my recommendation food is Lamp Chops, and Barn Steak Burger that would be nice for you and your children.

According the guide post, you will meet a lot of farm for your enjoyment with take a feed, and take photo to a lot of cute animal like sheep, miniature horse, African wild ass (Small donkey). The farm in the Hidden Village is quite good for tourist because, I have not sense the smell bad from the farm. For the sheep farm it is not quite difference from the other sheep farm in Thailand but it looks clean. For the miniature horse and the little donkey is so cute as same as from the Disney cartoon that you and your children have ever seen before. All in all, for the review of animal in the Hidden Village in my mention is so good because they are not afraid of human, they can come to eat the food from human. Some of them is not walk away when people take a photo.
Moreover, the children will joyful with the kid zone which around of the playthings on the yard for me it is simple playthings such as slider, tambourine, and other simple playthings. Many children include me and my friend are joyful and take time so much for the kid zone in The Hidden Village.

Next from the kid zone. The tourist will meet the most exciting land in this Hidden Village is the Dinosaur Village which include of the huge dinosaur sculpture in many types of dinosaur include of both famous and in famous species. This dinosaur village still have the playthings, exciting for your children. For example, is the dinosaur ridding, the plaything which have 4 wheels for your child to enjoy with their beloved dinosaur. In my recommendation, for take a cool picture for updating your interesting life to your friend on your social network is try to take shot with not only the huge dinosaur, but also the dinosaur’s fossil and the dinosaur baby while crack their egg to take a first sight on the world.
In summary, This Hidden Village is the tourism for not only kid but also for the adult, family, and teenager group to joyful with many exiting zones in the Hidden Village which include, insect and animal village, farm zone and dinosaur village. Pleasure with the signature food and happiness in this miracle tourism. The Hidden Village, where’s your childhood become real.

How do we reach to this miracle land?
Reaching the Hidden Village is quite easy because is in the Chiang Mai city. Using the main road (Wong Wan Rob Klang) go straight through the Ruam-Choke crossroad. Next, watch from tag of the Ruen Pae2 restaurant, then turn left. Moving straight as the direction, you will reach to the Hidden Village at the end.