Let see the beautiful sight at one of the royal project in Thailand, the Mae-Tho National Park.

Mae-Tho National Park, the beautiful Roayal Project which you need to visit while taking a trip in the northern of Thailand.
Do you know there are many interesting Royal Project in Thailand, and Chiang Mai has one royal project which has not only the fresh air but also, the beautiful sight for taking a restful life without the turbulence in your work life. There is Mae-Tho National Park, the royal project in Thailand which is outstanding in the agro-tourism attraction. Therefore, we should know much more with about this interesting attraction.

What do we have been seen in this interesting royal project, the Mae-Tho National Park?
There are 38 royal projects in Thailand. Mae-Tho National Park is one of the well-known royal project in the northern of Thailand. This attraction is popular for both Thai and foreigner tourist. While you are visit here at our Mae-Tho National Park, there are many stop point to visit. The first interesting point to visiting, is Doi Mae Tho.
This is the great place to see the beautiful sight with the perfect weather in our Mae Tho National Park. Taking a photo for the sunrise is my good recommendation to update your good life on your social media site. I recommend you to taking it easy on the duration of winter season, you will have seen a lot of fog since you come up to the Mae-Tho National Park.
This is so exciting and feel the difference from the other national parks. Moreover recommendation to taking a sight are Bo Lek viewpoint and the Savana Thailand viewpoint, is the good choice to get a beautiful photo of the great natural sight for your restful life too. Moreover, there are 2 little beautiful waterfall to taking a sight, also taking some photo are the Mae-Ab waterfall and Mae Lib waterfall. Let’s try to enjoy there at once, These 2 waterfalls will give the good pleasantness for you in exactly.

The next interesting activities, is to taking a native life because, our Mae-Tho National Park is a good place for human development for the mountain native life which are the Hmong and the Karen. I recommend you try to see their being in each day at once. The interesting is their traditional ceremony such as the Boon-Khao-Mai ceremony. The ceremony is to gathering the fresh rice and other foods to adore to their gods for hope to getting the better life in each year doing as traditional. Moreover, they will sell that fresh rice and other foods in very low cost for their people, who have the starve life in that moment to getting better life in each year as traditional too. In my mention, there is the good ceremony to convince their people to rely on each other, which affects their people to have a good unity inside.
The New Year ceremony of the Hmong is quite interesting recommended to join at once too. Next interesting activities, is to enjoy with the agro-attraction tourism in this Mae-Tho National Park such as take a look on the project of encouragement in the agriculture products such as cabbage, sweet cabbage, red olive, red spinash, salad vegetable, and etc. Moreover, is the project of encouragement in the agriculture products in types of fruit such as avocado, plub, black mulberry, and etc. The Alstroemeria is quite interesting to take a sight for once too.
For the accommodation, there are provided as house for everyone in friendly price. The recommended from every visitors for sleep site is the Log Cabin because, not only the inexpensive of sleep place but also, this is the best place to take the sunrise sight in every morning at our Mae-Tho National Park. Moreover for natural living in the night, is the camping.

The park has provided the good space of beautiful sight too for camping and the rental tent for everyone in friendly price too. Do not be worry with the food. The native food is be provided for tou in good quality in friendly price for everyone in every meal. In my opinion, the native food is the best recommended to try for once in your life.
How do we getting to our beautiful royal project in Chiang Mai, the Mae-Tho National Park?
There are 2 options to reaching our Mae-Tho National Park. The first option for the tourist who owning their vehicle is moving from the central city of Chiang Mai via the highway route number 102 (Chiang Mai – Hod) for 89 kilometers to Hod district. Next, continue along via the highway route number 108 (Hod – Mae Sa Rieng) passed away the Ob-Luang national park for around 54 kilometers. Then, you will reach to the Ban-Kong-Loi district. Next, turn right into the highway route number 1207 (Ban Kong Lo – Ban Mae Tho) for around 16 kilometers. Lastly, take a turn, and go along in direction around 500 meters. Then, you will reach to our royal project, the Mae-Tho National Park in finally.
Another option for the tourist, who not brings their own or rental the vehicle, is to take the public transportation at the central public transportation at the central city of Chiang Mai. Notice that, there are variety of the cost for travelling to the destination and also may be not in friendly cost too. In advices, try to ask in several service providers, is a better way to get a cheaper cost in good quality. Moreover, try to asking for the tourist service center in Chiang Mai or the tourist service center of Thailand in advance, they may be able to advise some van for reaching the Mae-Tho National Park with cheaper cost in good quality too.
In my recommendation, rental just one vehicle to our miracle destination is might be cheaper than taking the public transportation.