See the one of the wonderful natural creature in Chiang Mai, Opkhan national park.

Opkhan National Park, the recommend space for refresh your life from busy works in busy towns.

What do we have been seen at the Opkhan National Park?
Opkhan National Park is the tourism, fully of almost perfect forest which hill site. So, it is easily to see many abbreviated plants, and also the unknown plants in your life too. Such as cinnamon, teak, many unseen bamboo, a lot of abbreviated orchid, and etc. Not only the abbreviated plants but it’s also easily to see the forested animals and abbreviated animals too, such as hare, binturong, buffalo bear, barking deer, capricornus, fox, hedgehog, mongoose, squirrel, and many types of tiger.
Opkhan National Park always has a good weather for resting in entire of the years but, in my recommend, you will meet the perfect being while traveling there in the duration of September to the end of the years. Ob-Khan is the huge cliff with the torrent lake below which most well-known for the foreigner tourist in term of the wired natural creature tourism in northern of Thailand.

For my recommend activities is to trekking the Op khan natural trails to see the natural sight you have not seen before, enjoy the waterfall with your friends for refreshing your body, take an interesting photo with norther hill site to upload on your social media site,and cruising with torrent lakes. In my mentions, cruising on the torrent lake is quite fun and interesting for me and my friends. It is challenge us a bit with torrent lake. The recommend stop point which I recommend you to never miss is the Stone Age zone, one of the places which founded the antiques objects in Thailand.
The interesting site is the cave that shows the drawing on the rock wall by the human in the ancient that tells us a lot for the human being in their age. Moreover, you can walk around 50 meters for taking a good sight of the hill sight at the Ok Mah cliff and Tub cliff. That will show you the differences sight of nature from the Opkhan National Park. In my summary, the Ob Khan is in of my tourism which i want to get back again with my friends because, bot only the restful with the great nature space in hill site but also, this interesting place always serves me with many good activities such as forest trail to visit abbreviated plants/animals, cruising with the torrent lakes, and visit the Stone Age zone which gained me the interesting and exciting too. Therefore, try to remind yourself to do not forget to book this miracle place, the Ob Khan National Park, for visit at once while planned scheduled to enjoy your life in Chiang Mai. Opkhan National Park, the recommended tourism which gives you more that the restful of life. Do not be worry with the accommodation.

Our Opkhan National Park has provided the room/house for every tourist in many types. In advices, you ought to book the reservation before reaching to this wonderful place, the Op Khan National Park, because their room/house is almost full in almost entire of each year. Moreover as recommended, is to camping because this Ob-Khan has provided the camping zone for everyone in 3 variant spaces, which you can touch in the difference sight of natural while living here. The camping zone is covers around 1000 people for each night. Thinking of your food anyways, this Opkhan National Park always provide the native food and thai food, covers to drinking, and snack too for everyone for entire of a days and the dusk.
How do we get to the wonderful tourism, the Opkhan National Park?
There are 2 options to reaching our Opkhan National Park. The first option for the tourist owning their vehicles is driving along from central city of Chiang Mai in direction to the Hang-Dong district for 15 kilometers. Next, turn right to the Nam Prae hospital – Ob Khan road with route number 4073 for around 11 kilometer. Finally, you will reach the point to our Opkhan National Park in the end. Another ways for private vehicle is starting from the central city of Chiang Mai too. Then, moving forward along to the highway number 108 (the public route from Chiang Mai to Hod district) for 11 kilometer approximately. Next, turn right at the Hang-Dong central office. Go along with the beside canal road to the route number 4073. Then, go along with the Nam Prae hospital – Ob khan road with route number 4073 for around 11 kilometer. You will here to our Opkhan National Park in finally.
Another option for the tourist, who not brings their own vehicle, is to take the public transportation at the central public station at Chiang Mai central city. Remind that the rate price might not be too friendly cost. In my recommendation, rental one vehicle to the our destination, Opkhan National Park, is might be cheaper than taking the public transportation, try to asking from the staff on your hotel/resort they may can advise some van for reaching point with cheaper price too.