Wat Pha Lat: Hidden Treasure of Chiang Mai

wat pha lat, pha lat temple, wat pha lad, pha lad temple

Keep your life to be peaceful in your resting time at one of the most famously Buddhism site in Chiang Mai, the wat Pha Lat.

According to the attractions in Chiang Mai,  taking a rest in the best choice that everyone gives the topic for finding the attraction in their weekend. By the way, the interesting attraction is be the choice too. Temple is one of the interesting tourism that attractive to a lot of the foreigner tourist because of the difference of religious so, our Buddhism creature is often wondering to the foreigner as well.

What do we have seen while taking to this one of the amazing Buddhism site in Chiang Mai, the Wat Pha Lat?

Our faithfully religious site in Chiang Mai, the Wat Pha Lat is open for everyone to not only tasking the different sight from the other temple, but also to do some Buddhism activities in every day. The weather around the Wat Pha Lat is quite nice because there is rounded of a bit forest. Therefore you need not to be worry with the boring of the weather t there anyway.

wat pha lat, pha lat temple, wat pha lad, pha lad temple
wat pha lat, pha lat temple, wat pha lad, pha lad temple

There are a lot of interesting sites around our Wat Pha Lat. The first interesting thing is the statue of the animals in the old imagines. Which located at the entrance of our Wat Pha Lat. There are like the lion. These statues are decorated in Thai style. that outstanding in the designation and Thai faithful very much. The second interesting is the sacred pond. which the native people come to bless for getting better in their life. Moreover interesting thing are, the people in Myanmar style which quite beautiful and should to taking some photo too.

The Majestic Chedi

Wat Pha Lad’s ancient chedi stands as a testament to the temple’s rich history. Covered in vibrant moss and ferns, this structure reflects the blend of Burmese and Lanna architectural styles. The chedi, believed to be over 600 years old, showcases the intricate craftsmanship of the past and offers a serene spot for contemplation.

The Enchanting Viharn

The viharn at Wat Pha Lad is adorned with detailed carvings and murals that reflect the rich artistic heritage of the Lanna kingdom. The front gable, depicting peacocks and rabbits, is a standout feature, symbolizing prosperity and fertility. Inside, serene Buddha statues add to the spiritual ambiance of the temple.

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wat pha lat, pha lat temple, wat pha lad, pha lad temple
wat pha lat, pha lat temple, wat pha lad, pha lad temple

Historical Relics and Murals

Inside the viharn, visitors can find ancient relics and murals that tell stories of the temple’s past. These artistic treasures not only enhance the spiritual experience but also provide a glimpse into the historical and cultural significance of Wat Pha Lad. Each piece of art adds depth to the temple’s rich heritage.

The Serene Waterfall and Surroundings

One of the highlights of Wat Pha Lad is its picturesque waterfall, which adds to the temple’s tranquil charm. The waterfall cascades down the rocks, creating a soothing sound that enhances the peaceful atmosphere. This natural feature is an integral part of the temple’s serene environment, making it a perfect spot for meditation and reflection.

The next interesting activity is practice the intensive Dharma to keep your life getting peaceful. There are many spaces for practice the intensive Dharma have provided for everyone in our Wat Pha Lat. In my mention, sitting around a little Dharma courtyard is quite good because, there is not only locate above of a little waterfall but also around the natural site to. There, it is the better place to practice the intensive Dharma with the peace also good weather too. Trekking from the Kruba Srivichai Monument to our Wat Pa Lat is a recommended activity for touch and feel the different of the natural of the natural resources activity which you have never met before.

wat pha lat, pha lat temple, wat pha lad, pha lad temple
wat pha lat, pha lat temple, wat pha lad, pha lad temple

How do we getting to our importantly religious destination in the northern site of Thailand, the Pha Lad temple?

According to the direction to this wonderfully religious attraction our Wat Pha Lat, there is in the same direction to Doi Suthap-Pui national park. So, the way to reaching our destination is not quite hard. There are 2 options to reaching our destination is Wat Pha Lat. The firt option is reaching there are your by own rental vehicle. There is one recommendation direction with convenience is beginning from our central city of Chaiang Mai. Next is moving forward in direction of the Huay-Keaw road to Chiang Mai University. Then pass away the Chiang Mai zoo, and the Kruba Srivichai Monument.  Lastly, moving forward for a few minutes then you will reach to our importantly Buddhism site, our Wat Pha Lat. In addition, there is walk side from the Kruba Srivichai Mounment to our Wat Pha Lat. In my mention, there is another interesting way to reaching the destination with taking a sight of northern naturally environment sight.

Another option is for the guy who need not to bring or rental the vehicle. Begin from the taking a public transportation from the central city of Chiang Mai the Chiang Mai University. You will see there are much public transportation for reaching to the Doi Suthep-Pui national park provided around the Chiang Mai University. Take on one, and inform the driver to get you down at the Wat Pha Lat. Do not worry with making a problem for the drivers. Through Wat Pha Lat in not a part of national park, our our Wat Pha Lat is locate on the way of the Doi Suthep – Pui national park. Therefore, it is very for driver to drop you at our wonderfully religious attraction. Alternatively, the Monk’s Trail offers a scenic trekking route starting from Chiang Mai University.

Pa Lad Temple Integrated Tours : Alms Offering & Sunrise Tour

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